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Tektuğ Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. Atatürk Bulv. 89/3 27010 Gaziantep / TÜRKİYE
T: +90 (342) 230 29 05-06-07
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Green Energy Sales Transactions

The term "Free Consumer" refers to real or legal persons who exceed the electricity consumption limit set by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) or are directly connected to the transmission system. Additionally, those with legal personality in organized industrial zones are also considered free consumers. The right to be a free consumer allows eligible consumers to choose their electricity supplier, thereby providing an opportunity to benefit from competitive advantages.

The concept of free consumers in the electricity market was implemented in Turkey through a regulation in 2002. With this regulation, consumers exceeding a specific amount of electricity consumption were granted "free consumer" status. As of 2024, the free consumer limit is set at 1,000 kWh.

According to the Electricity Market Consumer Services Regulation, the Free Consumer Limit is determined by the EPDK every January and announced to the public by the end of January through the Official Gazette and the EPDK's official website. For 2024, the determined limit for free consumers is 1,000 kWh or more annually.

Free consumers are those who exceed the electricity consumption limit set by the EPDK. These consumers are entitled to purchase energy from any electricity supplier they choose. In the event that their bilateral agreements expire for any reason or if they request it, free consumers can purchase electricity and/or capacity from the local licensed supply company under the last resort supply.

To qualify as a free consumer, the necessary electricity amount, known as the Free Consumer Limit, is determined and publicly announced by the EPDK every January. This regulation is part of the liberalization and privatization of the electricity market in Turkey. The right to be a free consumer is granted to anyone paying a monthly bill of 350 TL or more, regardless of the electricity distribution company or region. This regulation allows consumers to choose different electricity companies and utilize various tariffs.

The Last Resort Supply Tariff is a special energy supply tariff for commercial and industrial tariff subscribers who consume over 1 million kWh per year. As Tektuğ Electricity Production Inc., we offer the most advantageous energy supply agreements to these customers. Customers under this tariff are those who consumed 100 million kWh (residential and agricultural) or 1 million kWh (other subscribers) in 2023. Energy unit prices are calculated independently of the national tariff determined by the EPDK. This special tariff offers an advantageous energy supply option for large commercial and industrial enterprises.

Every consumer with a free consumer certificate can procure electricity under bilateral agreements from all electricity sales companies licensed for electricity trading. There is no need for these consumers to make any changes to their existing electricity infrastructure; technically, electricity supply continues through the existing infrastructure.

The electricity bills of free consumers are issued by the supplier they have chosen under their bilateral agreement, and the prices and payment conditions specified in the agreement apply.

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