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Tektuğ Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. Atatürk Bulv. 89/3 27010 Gaziantep / TÜRKİYE
T: +90 (342) 230 29 05-06-07
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Proje Detayları

Kargılık HES – 24 MW

Kargılık HPP is a river-type hydroelectric power plant located in the Kargılık neighborhood of Bulgurkaya village in the Andırın district of Kahramanmaraş Province, in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. This project has been designed with minimal environmental impact in mind. It includes a regulator structure with a volume of 270,000 cubic meters, a 1,074-meter-long transmission channel, a loading pool, a 548-meter pressure pipe, and a power plant building. The construction of the project was completed on April 24, 2005, and it was commissioned in the same year after receiving temporary approval from the Ministry. The final acceptance was made on April 27, 2006.

A total of 6,355 trees were planted in the project area, including 4,150 almond trees, 1,470 walnut trees, and 735 fruit trees, contributing significantly to the project's environmental sustainability. The planned annual production of the Kargılık HPP is 71,000 MWh. Furthermore, this production is equivalent to a green energy yield of 43,717 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The project has been in operation since 2005 and is developed according to the Voluntary Carbon Standard VCS 2007.1.

Kargılık HPP contributes to reducing carbon emissions caused by fossil fuels by generating electricity from renewable sources and helps combat global warming. This voluntary carbon reduction project positively impacts the environment by replacing emissions from fossil fuel-consuming power plants with those from renewable energy sources. The primary aim of our project is to produce energy in the most efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable manner while fulfilling environmental and social responsibilities.

Our Contribution to Sustainable Development

Tektug Energy establishes renewable energy projects in Turkey's underdeveloped regions. The project owner has voluntarily planted more than 5,600 almond and walnut trees in the region.

Project Details

Kargılık HES
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Project Details

Kargılık HES - 24 MW

Project Status
Installed Power
24 MW
Turbine Type
Dikey Francis
Year of Construction
Project Location
Keşiş Stream, Andırın, Kahramanmaraş
Annual Production
2020- 71.340 kWh 2021 - 47.274 kWh 2022- 59.476 kWh